Gravel and Grove

Free desktop wallpaper for February

27 January 2017   |  updated calendar
For the month of February, I am giving out chalky sweet nothings for your desktop background image. This year, if you encounter the one that says "Fax Me," just crush it on the asphalt in the back alley. Nobody should ever fax anyone.

by Robert Perry

Desktop Wallpaper

Select and download the wallpaper shaped and sized for your monitor’s resolution:

Aspect ratio 4:3   1024 x 768   |  1600 x 1200
Aspect ratio 8:5   1280 x 800   |  1680 x 1050   |  1920 x 1200
Aspect ratio 16:9  1366 x 768   |  2560 x 1440

When the image appears in your browser, right click on it and save it to your desktop pictures folder, or if an option, simply choose Set as Desktop Background.

My free desktop wallpaper of Exeter's vintage citrus labels is also still available, if you are interested.

©2017 Chromozoa

Desktop Wallpaper

Wallpaper of Exeter citrus labels.